Desi un pic mai devreme, va propun o reteta ideala pentru zilele de vara fierbinti cand aveti nevoie de o masa rece, usoara dar si satioasa.
Aceasta optiune mi se pare alegerea ideala, iar eu repet de foarte multe ori aceasta reteta.
legume – ce aveti prin casa/congelator; optiunile sunt nelimitate
sunca (de pui, pastrama de porc etc)
patrunjel verde
Fierbeti pastele si legumele, strecurati-le, taiati sunca fasii si amestecati toate ingredientele intr-un bol. Puteti inlocui maioneza cu iaurt.
La final adaugati patrunjelul verde, proaspat tocat, care da o aroma minunata salatei.
Summer vegetable salad
Although a little early in the season, I decide to cook a cool summer vegetable salad, those kind of dishes that are ideal for very hot summer days when you need to cool down.
The beauty of this salad is that you can make it with ingredients you already have at home and it offers you a great variety of ingredient choices.
So, you will need
vegetables – whatever you have in the house or freezer
mayo (you may put yogurt instead)
and freshly chopped parsley
All you have to do is to boil the pasta and the vegetables, to cut the ham and to mix everything in a large bowl. You should let it cool in the freezer for a few hours and then mix the fresly chopped parsley.
Super salata.