Din nou am ajuns in bucatarie avand sarcina de a pregati ceva rapid si satios. De fapt, ceva foarte rapid! 🙂 Si pentru ca piata este fix in spatele blocului, am coborat dupa ceva verdeturi proaspete de primavara, am apelat la o bucatica de carne de pui din frigider si in mai putin de 10 minute am obtinut acest rezultat.

Asadar iata o simpla salata de aprilie.


1 legatura ridichi
cateva fire de ceapa verde
o legatura de usturoi verde
jumatate de castravete
1 pastrama piept de pui
ulei de masline aromat cu busuioc
piper (optional cu usturoi)


First of all I must admit that this is my first cooking challenge. I chose this one to begin my culinary adventures because it is something not only very useful, but as well it has the twist to teach us to live and eat according to the season.
Being used to always having on the market any ingredient we crave for, trying to cook something with the ingredients to be found only in a given time, may turn into a fun game.

So I joined this month’s challenge Eating with the season and I thought to myself that the best choice for this month must be a rich salad, with enough vegetables to be called a salad and a tad of meat to calm down the meat-eating-man-of-the-house.

So this is what I used:

smoked and salted chicken breast
4-5 radishes
a few spring onions
a few spring garlic
1 cucumber
basil flavoured olive oil
pepper (with garlic if you want)