
amestec de orez basmati si orez salbatic
patrunjel verde
piept de pui
condimente carne pui

Se spala pieptul de pui, se condimenteaza cu condimente specifice si se prajeste pe gratar. Se lasa sa se raceasca si se toaca cubulete.

Intre timp se spala orezul, se scurge de apa si se pune intr-o tigaie in care s-a topit 2-3 linguri de unt. Se lasa sa se rumeneasca orezul si se amesteca mereu. Cand orezul prinde o culoare aurie, se stinge cu apa – egala cu cantitatea de orez folosita. Se lasa la fiert pana cand bobul se inmoaie si cu putin timp inainte de final se adauga si boabele de porumb si carnea de pui taiata cubulete. ***Basmati & wild rice with chicken breastIngredients:basmati and wild ricebuttersweetcornchicken breastherbs & condiments Fry the chicken breast, let is coold down and cut in small pieces. Put it aside for the moment. Wash the rice and add it in a frying pan, where you have melted the butter. Let it fry until the rice gets a golden colour. Add water and let it boil until the rice is ready. In the end add the sweet corn, the pieces of chicken breast and the herbs.