- Am citit Rebecca cu multi ani in urma. Am ales cartea fara sa stiu ce urmeaza sa citesc, pentru ca o coperta neinspirata (cea a anilor ’90) trada mai degraba o carte de duzina. Intre timp nu am avut sansa sa citesc (sau sa aflu despre!) nici o alta carte scrisa de Daphne du Maurier. Iar aventura unei femei din inalta societate britanica cu un pirat chiar mi se pare tentanta. Oricat de ciudat ar suna! 🙂 Aflati despre ce e vorba aici.
- By the time she was twelve, Lillian had begun to believe that a true cook, one who could read people and spices, could anticipate reactions before the first taste, and thus affect the way a meal or an evening would go. (The School of Essential Ingredients, Erica Bauermeister) Din seria cartilor de inspiratie culinara, mi-a atras atentia aceasta recenzie la o carte despre incursiunea in lumea gustului si aromelor.
- Altheate imi redeschide pofta de Freud reamintindu-mi de celebrul caz al omului cu lupi, regasita in al doilea volum de Opere.
- Cati reusesc sa te convinga sa citesti o carte dintr-o singura fraza? Putini! Care este fraza ideala? Una de genul asta:
Cunosc starea, cunosc sentimentul, am si eu cateva carti care m-au fermecat in asa hal incat am uitat de mine si le-am subliniat, le-am insemnat, le-am pus post-it-uri colorate intre pagini. Si cu toate insemnele, de cate ori am ajuns sa o redeschid, nu ma mai puteam opri din cititul exuberant!
Zum de cititor (viteaz!) simte astfel despre Exuvii.
- Cati dintre voi (nu) ati citit Peter Pan? Eu nu! 🙁
- Saptamana asta s-au decernat si premiile Pulitzer pe 2009.
Drama – Ruined by Lynn Nottage
History – The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family by Annette Gordon-Reed (W.W. Norton & Company)
Biography – American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House by Jon Meacham (Random House)
Poetry – The Shadow of Sirius by W.S. Merwin (Copper Canyon Press)
General Nonfiction – Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II by Douglas A. Blackmon (Doubleday)
Music – Double Sextet by Steve Reich, premiered March 26, 2008 in Richmond, VA (Boosey & Hawkes)
- Dragos (Chestii Livresti) a trecut printr-o etapa organizatorica saptamana asta si ne propune doua liste subiective ale celor mai bune carti celebre si ne-celebre, neaparat de citit intr-o veritabila viata de cititor.
Asadar apreciez efortul lui Dragos si listele lui imi sunt inspiratie.
- In incheiere, va marturisesc ca in sfarsit am descoperit si eu incantatorul blog Daily Routines, un blog despre cum isi organizeaza viata diferite personalitati.
I will tell you my order of time for the day, as you were so kind as to give me your’s. At 6. oclock, we all rise. We breakfast at 7. Our study hours begin at 8. At 9. we all meet in Seminary Hall, for devotions. At 10¼. I recite a review of Ancient History, in connection with which we read Goldsmith & Grimshaw. At .11. I recite a lesson in „Pope’s Essay on Man” which is merely transposition. (Emily Dickinson)
7 a.m. | Rose and took a short walk. |
7:45 a.m. | Breakfast alone |
8–9:30 a.m. | Worked in his study; he considered this his best working time. |
9:30–10:30 a.m. | Went to drawing-room and read his letters, followed by reading aloud of family letters. |
10:30 a.m.– 12 or 12:15 p.m. |
Returned to study, which period he considered the end of his working day. |
12 noon | Walk, starting with visit to greenhouse, then round the sandwalk, the number of times depending on his health, usually alone or with a dog. (Charles Darwin) |
He got up at 5:00 A.M. His servant Martin Lampe, who worked for him from at least 1762 until 1802, would wake him. The old soldier was under orders to be persistent, so that Kant would not sleep longer. Kant was proud that he never got up even half an hour late, even though he found it hard to get up early. (Immanuel Kant)
When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at 4:00 am and work for five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for 10km or swim for 1500m (or do both), then I read a bit and listen to some music. I go to bed at 9:00 pm. (Haruki Murakami)
Around eleven, I soak for 20 minutes in a hot bath, with a sponge on my head and a wordsman’s worry in it, encroaching, alas, upon the nirvana. A stroll with my wife along the lake is followed by a frugal lunch and a two-hour nap, after which I resume my work until dinner at seven. (Vladimir Nabokov)
He awoke about 7:30 a.m. and remained in bed for a substantial breakfast and reading of mail and all the national newspapers. For the next couple of hours, still in bed, he worked, dictating to his secretaries. (Winston Churchill)
Va las pe voi sa descoperiti si altele 🙂
multumesc frumos.
cu mare placere dragos 😉 si eu multumesc pentru inspiratie!