Pentru ca citisem The Trick is to Keep Breathing si am descoperit o carte exceptionala, am luat o noua carte scrisa de Janice Galloway – Blood.

Din neatentie si graba, nu am rasfoit atenta cartea si desi ma asteptam la un roman, am dat de o colectie de nuvele. In toate se regaseste exact aceasi forta a imaginilor din The Trick…, dar mult mai ametitor, mai rapid, mai crud.
Cand un copil, cu ochii mari si cu zambetul pe buze se arunca increzator in bratele (promise) ale tatalui, acesta se retrage si asculta geamatul copilului cand loveste podeaua: „Let that be a lesson for you son. Trust nae cunt.”


Singura povestire care ne amageste pentru inceput cu dulceata ei, cea a unui cuplu a carui existenta este influentata de magazinul langa care traieste:
„Making love happened most often in the mornings, our bodies joining in a warm cloud of new-baked viennas and granary cobs from the shop beneath, the window hazy with hot chocolate croissants and our twin breaths. The scent of bread rising increased his thrust. Often he would tilt over my shoulder moaning as the oven doors opened in the kitchen beneath, his ejaculation impossible to hold back from the lure of working yeast. His semen usually parted company with me by the time they were shaping danish pastries. The surrounding air was everything and sweet.”
Aparitia unei macelarii, mirosul sangelui proaspat si al putrefactiei, are o influenta directa asupra indragostitilor.
Recomand cartea celor care doresc sa citeasca despre partea brutala a vietii, despre raceala lumii, despre sange, mult sange – de la sangele ce curge valuri dupa extractia unui dinte cu radacini incalecate, la sangele ce putrezeste carnea unei carcase ce nu vrea sa o cumpere nimeni.